nimbuzz game bot
for master of the game command:
//reveal = to reveal th question
//game stop = to stop the game
//game pause = to pause the game
//game start = to start the game
//kick nick = to kick out palyer for the game
//anime = to change the game category to anime game
//gta = to chnage the game category to gta game
//trivia = to change the game category to trivia game
//cluelimit 1 to give 1 clue limit for each player
//cluelimit 2 to give 2 clue limit for each player
//cluelimit 3 to give 3 clue limit for each palyer
//shuffle to reshuffle the game list
Can be also use manual operation
All Game File will be located at QUIZ forlder
You can modefied all Game Question and answer
The format for Q n A will be separated for the comma
Sample: Question,Answer
2. WELCOME b@t
Welcome message if participants Join the room
GoodBye Message if participants leave the room
You can select Welcome Message for 3 version
1. Version 1 is for Good Welcome and Good Goodbye message
2. Version 2 is for b@d Welcome and b@d Goodbye message
3. Version 3 is for Flirt Welcome and Flirt Goodbye message
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Version Jadid Crazy Sniper Flooder Ver 2

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